Series 9000 - Board Bylaws
No.Sorted By No. In Ascending OrderTitlePolicyRegulationExhibitAdopted/Revised
9000Role of the BoardDownload  10/23/23
9005Governance StandardsDownload  10/23/23
9010Public StatementsDownload  10/23/23
9012Board Members Electronic CommunicationsDownload  BP 09/30/24
9100OrganizationDownload  10/23/23
9121Official Duties, PresidentDownload  10/23/23
9122Official Duties, Ex-Officio Secretary / Executive OfficerDownload  02/24/97
9130Board CommitteesDownload  10/23/23
9150Student InvolvementDownloadDownload BP 10/30/00 AR 02/24/97
9200Limits of Board Member AuthorityDownload  10/23/23
9220Governing Board ElectionsDownload  09/30/24
9222ResignationDownload  04/22/24
9223Filling VacanciesDownload  08/26/24
9224Oath or AffirmationDownload  04/22/24
9230OrientationDownload  04/22/24
9250Compensation, Benefits and Reimbursements, Workshops and ConferencesDownload  10/23/23
9260Legal ProtectionDownload  BP 09/30/24
9270Conflict of InterestDownloadDownload BP 03/10/25 AR 03/03/25
9310Board PoliciesDownload  04/22/24
9320Board Meetings and NoticesDownload  09/30/24
9322Board Meetings Agendas and MaterialsDownload  BP 09/30/24
9323Board Meeting ConductDownload  08/26/24
9324Board Meetings Minutes and RecordingsDownload  BP 09/30/24
9400Accountability, Review and EvaluationDownload  04/22/24
9500Superintendent RemunerationDownload  04/22/24
Board Policies