Series 3000 - Business and Non-Instructional Operations
No.Sorted By No. In Ascending OrderTitlePolicyRegulationExhibitAdopted/Revised
3000Business Concept and RolesDownload  04/14/09
3100BudgetDownloadDownload BP 04/14/09 AR 02/24/97
3101Budget CalendarDownload  02/24/97
3102Budget ProcedureDownload  02/24/97
3103Budget RevisionsDownload  04/14/09
3110Transfer of Funds Between CategoriesDownload  02/24/97
3400Annual AuditDownload  02/24/97
3420Lending to Local School or Community College Districts for Cash Flow PurposesDownload  02/24/97
3430Investment and Deposit of FundsDownload  04/14/09
3440Capital Property, Inventory, Depreciation and DisposalDownloadDownload 11/26/01
3450Real PropertyDownloadDownload 02/24/97
Board Policies