Frontline Absence Management and Time & Attendance

The Ventura County Office of Education, uses Frontline Education's Absence Management system to track all employee absences and, if required, to schedule substitutes. All employees are required to use this system to track absences, vacation time, etc.  The Frontline system is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Frontline emp logo   Frontline Substitute lgo












Dial-In Access

Follow the automated voice instruction prompts.




Resources & Help Guides

Employee Resources

Getting Started

  • Use one of the access methods below, and when prompted with the login credentials page, enter your email address along with the usual password you use each day to log into your computer or email account. 
  • If you are a substitute, you will login in with your personal email address.
  • Mobile App Access After you have signed into Frontline the first time, you can download the Frontline Education mobile app. Enter your Frontline ID credentials to sign in. 
  • Dial-In Access You can interact with the Frontline system via a toll-free, automated voice instruction menu at 1-800-942-3767. Here, you can proactively search for jobs. We recommend calling in to check the computer recording of your name by pressing Option 4. 



  • Logging into Frontline on the Mobile App User Guide Use this guide to help you learn how to use the Single Sign On (SSO) option to login on your mobile device.
  • Employee QuickStart Guide - The Employee QuickStart Guide offers a brief overview of the different website and phone options you will have while using the system.
  • Employee Basic Training Video - This video will walk you through the basics of your absence management Employee website. You will learn about how to log into absence management, the home page, creating an absence, viewing and editing personal information, changing your PIN, and where to find help resources. 
  • Employee Advanced Training Video - This video will walk you through the more advanced features of your Employee website. You will learn about creating an absence in advanced mode, assigning a substitute to an absence, cancelling absences, viewing the approval status of an absence, viewing absence history, attaching a file to an absence, checking your absence reason balances, and viewing the substitute directory.
  • VCOE Frontline ERP Employee Portal - It is each employee’s responsibility to ensure all personal information is current. If you find that any of your personal information is incorrect, please update it in the Frontline ERP Employee Portal.


Substitute Resources

  • Getting Started Information - This getting started guide will help you create your Frontline account and use various methods to log in after receiving your welcome letter from Human Resources.
  • Substitute QuickStart Guide - The Substitute QuickStart Guide will give you a brief overview of the different website and phone options you will have while using the system.
  • Substitute Basic Training Video - This video will walk you through the basics of the absence management Substitute website. You will learn about logging in to absence management, navigating the home page, finding available jobs, viewing and editing your personal information, how to change your PIN, and where to find help resources.
  • Substitute Advanced Training Video - This video will walk you through some of the more advanced features of the absence management Substitute website. You will learn about viewing scheduled jobs, how to create non-work days, viewing past jobs you have worked, setting up your preferred schools, how to edit the times absence management can call you, and how to turn off calling.

Time Approver Resources Resources

If you have any questions please contact Human Resources.