Series 5000 - Students
No.Sorted By No. In Ascending OrderTitlePolicyRegulationExhibitAdopted/Revised
   Download AR 8/28/23
5000Students - Concepts and RolesDownload  02/24/97
5030Student WellnessDownloadDownload BP 10/22/12 AR 02/11/08
5112.2 Exclusions from Attendance Download AR 08/22/22
5112.5Open/Closed CampusDownload  BP 08/22/22
5113Absences and ExcusesDownloadDownload BP and AR 08/28/23
5113.1Chronic Absense & TruancyDownloadDownload BP & AR 8/28/23
5117.1Interdistrict Attendance AppealsDownloadDownloadDownloadBP 09/24/12 AR 03/28/11 Exh1 03/28/11 Exh2 01/23/12
5123Promotion / RetentionDownloadDownload BP 08/27/18 AR 08/23/99
5125Student RecordsDownloadDownload BP 8/22/22 AR 8/28/23
5125.1Release of Directory InformationDownloadDownload BP & AR 8/28/23
5125.2Withholding Grades Diploma or Transcripts Download AR 08/28/23
5125.3Challening Student Records Download AR 8/28/23
5126Awards to StudentsDownloadDownload BP 02/24/14 AR 02/03/14
5131ConductDownload  BP 09/25/23
5131.2BullyingDownloadDownload BP & AR 8/28/23
5131.41Use of Seclusion and Restraint Download AR 5131.41 9/21/23
5131.6Alcohol and Other DrugsDownloadDownload BP and AR 08/24/09
5131.62TobaccoDownloadDownload BP 05/22/17 AR 04/28/14
5131.7Weapons and Dangerous InstrumentsDownloadDownload BP & AR 08/28/23
5132Student Dress CodeDownloadDownload BP 02/24/97 AR 08/24/09
5141 Student Health Care and EmergenciesDownloadDownload BP 03/15/21; AR 03/15/21
5141.21Administering MedicationDownloadDownload BP 05/20/24 AR 05/20/24
5141.23Communicable, Contagious, or Infectious Disease Control for Students in Schools and Programs Operated by Ventura County Office of EducationDownloadDownload 02/24/97
5141.24Specialized Physical Health Care Services Download 04/25/14
5141.31ImmunizationsDownloadDownload BP 08/22/22; AR 08/22/22
5141.33Head LiceDownloadDownload 10/22/18
5141.4Child Abuse Reporting ProceduresDownloadDownload BP 08/22/22; AR 08/22/22
5141.5Mental HealthDownload  BP 02/24/25
5141.52Suicide PreventionDownloadDownload 03/15/21
5142SafetyDownload  02/24/97
5144DisciplineDownloadDownload BP & AR 08/28/23
5144.1Suspension and Expulsion Due ProcessDownloadDownload BP 09/25/23 AR 09/21/23
5144.3Student Expulsion AppealsDownloadDownloadDownload10/24/22
5145 Rights and Responsibilities of StudentsDownload  09/28/09
5145.1Parental Rights / Student PrivacyDownload  02/24/97
5145.11Release, Remove and Interviewing of Students by the Police During School HoursDownloadDownload 02/24/97
5145.12Search and SeizureDownloadDownload BP & AR 08/22/22
5145.13Response to Immigration EnforcementDownloadDownload 6/25/18
5145.2Freedom of Speech / ExpressionDownload  05/29/12
5145.3Non-Discrimination / Harassment DownloadDownloadDownloadBP 11.18.24 AR 11.04.24 Exhibits 12/14/15
5145.7Sexual HarassmentDownloadDownload BP 11/18/24 AR 11/04/24
5145.71Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure Download AR 11.04.24
5145.9Hate Motivated BehaviorDownload  BP 09/25/23
5146Married, Pregnant, Parenting StudentsDownload  03/15/21
Board Policies