California School Dashboard

The California School Dashboard and System of Support are based on multiple measures that provide Ventura County parents and educators the opportunity to learn about the performance of local schools and districts. The Dashboard website (below) uses multiple indicators to give a more complete picture of how schools are serving our diverse student population.

Visit the California School Dashboard

More about the Dashboard
  • Overview
  • New for 2022
  • Indicators
  • Performance Levels
  • Resources

The California School Dashboard gives a snapshot of several indicators, including high school graduation rates, career and college readiness, English Learner progress, and suspension rates while still looking at test scores. It replaces the Academic Performance Index (API), which relied on test scores alone to produce a limited view of school performance.

The Dashboard focuses on equity for all students. It is part of the state’s school accountability system based on the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and it supports the educational goals that all school districts set in their annually updated Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAPs).

The Dashboard also reflects California’s commitment to transparency and continuous improvement. This system places an emphasis on changes in performance from year to year. This will highlight programs making positive changes and allow school sites and districts to learn from each other’s success. It also makes it easier to identify areas where schools need assistance to improve performance.

  • The Dashboard can be accessed in five languages: Tagalog, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Spanish, and English.
  • Smartphone and tablet users can access the Dashboard via a free mobile app available from the iOS App Store, the Microsoft Store, and Google Play. Or download it here.
  • CDE simultaneously releases the latest data on graduation rates, suspension rates, college/career readiness, and chronic absenteeism on the Dashboard and related DataQuest reports, reinforcing the state’s move to a system of multiple measures.
  • A comprehensive view of state, county, district, and school graduation and dropout rates, suspension rates, and chronic absenteeism rates can be accessed through the California Department of Education's DataQuest.
  • For the first time, 32 charters have been identified as eligible for assistance through the Statewide System of Support.
State Indicators
  • Academic Performance
  • Chronic Absenteeism
  • College/Career Readiness
  • English Learner Progress (Status Only for 2019)
  • High School Graduation Rate
  • Suspension Rate
Local Indicators 
  • Basic Conditions
  • Implementation of State Academic Standards
  • Parent Involvement and Engagement
  • School Climate Surveys
  • Access to Courses

The visual appearance of the California School Dashboard has been redesigned to make it easier to understand the results. An old system of pie charts has been replaced with five Status levels (ranging from Very High, High, Medium, Low, and Very Low) for state measures. Please note that the Status levels associated with Chornic Absenteeism and Suspension Rate Indicators are reversed (ranging from Very Low, Low, Medum, High, and Very High).

Dashboard Indicators

Getting to Know the California School Dashboard (PDF)

The Dashboard is an online tool designed to help communities across the state access important information about K-12 schools and districts.

Getting to Know the Measures (PDF)
The Dashboard features six state measures that provide important information on how schools are serving their students.

How Dashboard Performance Bars are Determined
The Dashboard shows the performance of districts, schools, and student groups on a set of state and local measures that assist in identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas in need of improvement.

How to Compare Schools(PDF)
A brief guide on how to compare schools on the Dashboard.

Exploring the Equity Report(PDF)
Equity is at the Heart of California's Accountability System. The Dashboard shines a light on both the successes and challenges that county offices, districts, and schools are experiencing in addressing disparities.

The Dashboard does not provide detailed test results for the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). That information will continue to be available at and individual student CAASPP score reports will continue to be mailed home annually.