Triton Academy

Triton Academy
Phone: 805-437-1540
Fax: 805-384-0278

5250 Adolfo Rd • Camarillo, CA 93012

Driving Directions

Triton Academy is a highly specialized, research-based school environment designed to address the needs of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in third through twelfth grades

Using a comprehensive trans-disciplinary planning and service delivery approach, using evidenced based curriculum and technology, the program specifically addresses the language, communication, behavioral, sensory, and social needs that are often associated with ASD.  As a learning community, we believe that professional expertise, supported by collaboration between parents, students, teachers, specialists, paraprofessionals, and administration leads to a safe learning environment and positive student outcomes.  

Our work with students prioritizes the development of self-regulation and self-management skills in order to advance perspective taking, learning, and relationship skills leading to college, career and community access.


What's New

Videos of Triton Academy's New Home

The new Mary Samples Center, which is now the permanent home of Triton Academy, was completed in the summer of 2020.  Below, you can watch a time-lapse video of the building's construction and a drone video of the completed project.