Phoenix - Los Nogales
Phoenix - Los Nogales
Phone: 805-437-1400
Fax: 805-437-1492

1551 Kendall Ave • Camarillo, CA 93010

Driving Directions

For more information about Phoenix, see our brochure located HERE!


K - 5th Grade

Phoenix - Los Nogales is a highly specialized, research-based school environment designed to support students with social-emotional and behavioral needs. Using a comprehensive trans-disciplinary planning and service delivery approach, evidenced based curriculum and technology, the program specifically addresses the individual needs of students, grades K-5 from the western end of the county who need a smaller, more structured setting. Students are referred to the program by their district of residence via the IEP process.

Phoenix works collaboratively with Ventura County Behavioral Health (VCBH) to meet the social-emotional needs of the students by teaching the necessary self-management skills and strategies to manage their behavior. Classroom instruction is aligned to the California Standards and 21st Century skills. Each classroom benefits from smaller class sizes increase in staff to student ratio and structured educational expectations. As a learning community, we believe that professional expertise, supported by collaboration between parents, students, teachers, specialists, paraprofessionals, administration, and VCBH leads to a safe learning environment an positive student outcomes.
It is the goal of all staff to help students learn the skills needed to be able to return to a less restrictive setting while enhancing their communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity skills.

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