Archive by category: COVID-19Return
More Elementary Schools Permitted to Reopen as Educator Vaccinations are Set to Begin
Ventura County has reached a COVID-19 case rate that allows all elementary schools to resume in-person instruction as early as today if they choose to do so and have taken required safety measures. At the same time, the County of Ventura will begin vaccinating teachers starting next Monday. “These two developments are encouraging steps in the effort to safely bring more students and teachers back to the classroom,” said Dr. Cesar Morales, Deputy Superintendent for the Ventura Co...
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Reopening Postponed for VCOE-Operated Schools

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Reopening Postponed for VCOE-Operated Schools
Plans to begin reopening schools operated by the Ventura County Office of Education for in-person instruction are being postponed. This was a difficult decision that came after careful evaluation of the ongoing surge in COVID-19 cases and expected delays in the distribution of the vaccine. For the time being, we feel it is safest to continue serving students with distance learning. We recognize the continued closure of school campuses creates many difficulties for students and families, and we w...
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Ventura County Schools Preparing for Reopening After Coronavirus Closures
Find out what school will look like when students return to class in the new edition of VCOE's Focus on Education.
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COVID-19 Safety Information from Ventura County Public Health
The Ventura County Office of Education is sharing this important update from Ventura County Public Health.Ventura County continues to see an increase in COVID-19 cases, and we want to ensure that all residents have the information they need to prevent COVID-19 infection.It’s important to remember that gatherings with anyone other than members of your household are prohibited. Here are some basic things that you can do to reduce your risk and the risk for others of infection.1) &n...
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Ventura County Schools Preparing to Reopen Campuses
The California Department of Education (CDE) today released new guidelines for the safe reopening of the state’s public school campuses. The guidelines contain recommendations regarding a variety of measures to protect the safety of students and school employees. This includes advice on social distancing, temperature checks, contact tracing, hand washing, the use of face coverings and more. The CDE guidance, titled “Stronger Together: A Guidebook for the Safer Opening of California&r...
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New Car Graduation Protocol Issued by Ventura County Public Health
Ventura County Public Health (VCPH) today released a revised protocol regarding vehicle celebrations for graduations and other special observances. The protocol has been modified to allow graduates to briefly exit their vehicles on a timed schedule to receive their diplomas. Diplomas may be distributed using a no-contact pick-up method, maintaining physical distancing of six feet or greater. The protocol allows school personnel to take photos of graduates outside of their vehicles. Family member...
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VCOE Statement on Potential Early Reopening of School Campuses
On April 29, 2020, the California Department of Education announced it is studying options for reopening school campuses after Governor Newsom suggested they could open as early as July or August. Many questions remain about the safety, fiscal and labor implications of reopening campuses before the traditional start of the next school year. For now, there has been no alteration to existing school calendars. The Ventura County Office of Education will be working closely with local school dis...
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Guidelines Regarding Students Who Have Traveled to China (Feb. 4, 2020)On Tuesday, February 4, Ventura County Public Health issued an updated advisory for schools to appropriately respond to concerns about the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). The updated advisory is based on the publication of new guidelines from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).The change from the original advisory issued by Ventura County Public Health on February 3 concerns school children who have r...
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