Ocean View School District Proves an Ounce of Prevention Pays Off

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The Ocean View School District was honored as a Health Champion by the Ventura County Board of Supervisors at its regular meeting today in Ventura. The Oxnard-based district was recognized for its Healthy Habits initiative, which encourages employees to have an annual preventative visit with their health care provider. The campaign, which offered gift cards to employees who receive an annual preventive visit, had a dramatic impact. Prior to the Healthy Habits program, only 29 percent of district employees were having annual preventive visits, but that number more than doubled thanks to the initiative.

Healthy Habits enjoyed the support of the school administration and the teacher’s union. Assistant Superintendent of Business Services Michele Hellewell and Heather Rhodes of the Ocean View Educators’ Association joined forces to make the campaign a success. They say the gift card incentive created a buzz among employees that greatly increased participation.

The Ocean View School District is one of seven local education agencies that receive employee health benefits through the Coastal Schools Employee Benefits Organization (CSEBO), which is based at the Ventura County Office of Education administrative office in Camarillo. By bringing multiple districts together, CSEBO is able to secure lower insurance rates and reduce administrative costs. The program seeks to reduce “avoidable” healthcare expenses from preventable conditions, according to CSEBO Executive Director Elizabeth Atilano. “We are thrilled to see that Ocean View School District is promoting employee health and helping reduce healthcare costs by encouraging preventative care visits that catch medical conditions early,” she said.

Photo Caption: Ocean View School District Assistant Superintendent of Business Services Michele Hellewell receives a Health Champion award from Ventura County Supervisor Linda Parks.

About the Coastal Schools Employee Benefits Organization

The Coastal Schools Employee Benefits Organization (CSEBO) was formed by its member school districts to offer programs of self-insurance. By doing this, CSEBO allows its members direct management and control. CSEBO helps its member reduce risks, thereby saving money to use for education purposes. CSEBO provides technical assistance to its member districts to pilot new programs that improve the wellness of employees and their families. CSEBO membership is open to school districts, community college districts and county offices of education throughout California. CSEBO members are: the Fillmore Unified School District, the Ocean View School District, the Ojai Unified School District, the Oxnard Union High School District, the Santa Paula Unified School District, the Ventura County Community College District and the Ventura County Office of Education. Learn more at www.csebo.net