High School Students Can Request Pass/No Pass Grade Change

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AB 104 - Grade Change Request to Pass or No Pass for High School Students (Form)

AB 104 - Grade Change Request to Pass or No Pass for High School Students

On July 1, Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill (AB) 104 requiring school districts to implement policies that give students opportunities to counteract the negative impact of the pandemic on academic achievement and graduation credits. The new state law includes the requirement that districts grant students the opportunity to change low grades to a "Pass" or "No Pass" option.

Based on Section 2 of AB 104, a parent, guardian, or education rights holder of any student who was enrolled in high school during the 2020-21 academic year (or a student if they are 18 or older) may submit a request to have a letter grade earned for any course, as reflected on the student's transcript, changed to a Pass or No Pass grade.  

To request this type of grade change on your student's transcript, please complete this form and submit it to your student's academic counselor.

Before submitting a request for a grade change on your student's transcript, please review the following based on your student's desired pathway after graduation: