Governor Newsom Visits VCOE Vaccination Site

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Screenshot2021-03-03...California Governor Gavin Newsom visited the vaccination site at the Ventura County Office of Education (VCOE) in Camarillo Tuesday evening where thousands of local educators are being immunized against COVID-19. The Governor received a tour of the site from VCOE Deputy Superintendent Dr. Cesar Morales and Ventura County CEO Mike Powers.

In remarks after the tour the Governor commended the County on its vaccine rollout, with its focus on equity, school reopening and saving lives. Newsom said, "I'm impressed. Ventura County, job well done." He also thanked the traveling nurses who have come from states across the US to administer the vaccine.

Dr. Morales highlighted the local coordination and cooperation that is prioritizing educators for vaccination. The County is on track to get the first dose of vaccine to all school employees by the end of March, which will help in the efforts to get all schools reopened to in-person instruction. Morales said, "Many of our schools have already resumed teaching in person. With vaccinations underway and case rates dropping, more will soon follow."

Video Highlights of Dr. Morales's Remarks

Video Quote from Governor Newsom

Video of the Entire Event

Photos of the Governor's Visit to VCOE