Westlake High Student Wins Ventura County Science Fair Poster Contest

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The Ventura County Office of Education is pleased to announce that Audrey Kao, a student at Westlake High School, submitted the winning artwork that will represent the 2015 Ventura County Science Fair.

Audrey’s artwork (pictured below) features a pair of young students under the word ‘IMAGINE,’ the 2015 Ventura County Science Fair theme, spelled out using various scientific images. Audrey’s drawing will be featured in posters, fliers and packets publicizing the event.

The 61st annual Ventura County Science Fair will be held April 1st at the Ventura County Fairgrounds. Close to 1,000 students from middle and high schools throughout the county are expected to submit projects. The Ventura County Office of Education hosts the event with California State University providing a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Expo in conjunction with the project judging.

More than 200 science fair judges are provided by local businesses and organizations, with sponsorship from the Gene Haas Foundation, Amgen, Sage Publications, and various science-related organizations.