Robotics Kits Available to Ventura County Schools

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Ventura County middle and high schools have a unique opportunity to bring robotics education programs to their students with no up-front equipment costs. The Ventura County Office of Education and the Robotics Education & Competition (REC) Foundation have joined forces to provide VEX Robotics Classroom and Competition Super Kit grants to the first 30 eligible schools to respond. 

The VEX Robotics Design System offers students an exciting platform for learning about areas rich with career opportunities that span science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Beyond science and engineering principles, a VEX Robotics project encourages teamwork, leadership and problem-solving among groups. It also allows educators to easily customize projects to meet the students’ skill level. 

Each kit is valued at $1,200 and combines both the mechatronics and programming add‐on kits for the ultimate robotics learning and building experience. Students can design complex mechanisms with the included mechanical components and use the included sensors to increase robot feedback and create advanced programs. 

Most public and private middle and high schools in Ventura County may apply for the grant. However, schools that are current participants in the VEX IQ, VRC, or VEX U programs are not eligible. Additionally, schools that have received prior funding from the REC Foundation are not eligible, whether or not they are currently competing. Grants will be awarded to the first 30 eligible schools that apply in the order applications are received. 

Participating schools will have the opportunity to exhibit their work at the Robotics Showcase at the 2015 Ventura County Science Fair on April 1.