Superintendent's Letter to the Graduating Class of 2018

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Dear Members of the Senior Class of 2018: 

This month thousands of you have crossed the threshold from high school to adulthood as you gather your diplomas and your many years of hard work and move on to your future. It’s an amazing accomplishment and one for which you should feel deep pride. You are well aware of the dedication and hard work it took to earn your diploma. Many of you juggled extracurricular activities, family obligations, volunteer work and part-time jobs while completing your studies. And some of you felt the added stresses that came with the devastating Thomas Fire. Homes were lost and school days missed, but none of it kept you from achieving your goals. And now, you have a role to play to ensure that other students will be able to follow in your path.

Whether you are going on to higher education, or into the workforce or military, it’s important that you take time to think back to your school days and remember those who helped you to get where you now are standing. Your teachers, fellow students, neighbors, employers, co-workers, family, friends and parents all had a part in helping you reach your goals. Though most have probably not asked for any, they deserve your respect and gratitude. No one achieves success alone, and I’m confident they are as proud of your efforts as I am.

It’s time for me to ask for a personal favor from each of you. In the coming months and years, please take time to help a younger student who still walks the path that you are now leaving. These students need your experience, support and encouragement to stay strong in pursuing their goals. Maybe you know a sibling, cousin, friend or neighbor attending elementary, middle or high school. If you do, give the gift of your time and attention to this young person. Be there to cheer them in their learning, encourage them to stick with their education and to find the joy in their lessons. You know firsthand that when they reach their own graduation, they will have more opportunities available to them for their future.

You can also do your part to help a young person who may be struggling emotionally. We've all seen the shocking and tragic results when warning signs go unnoticed or cries for help are ignored. Students who feel bullied or rejected can become dangers to themselves or others. If you know someone like that, be a person they can turn to for understanding and support. Just having a sympathetic friend who's willing to listen can make a world of difference. Make sure they know that most of the struggles of youth are temporary and that better days are on the horizon if they stay optimistic and engaged. If necessary, direct them to resources that can help with family problems or psychological issues. And if you fear someone may be on the verge of committing a violent act, speak up about it.

Finally, consider becoming a community volunteer who works to better the schools or students in some manner. Some of you are seasoned professionals at volunteering, having served through church organizations, scout groups, service clubs or through the programs established at many of our schools where volunteering is a requirement for graduation. Your service doesn’t have to end because you’ve graduated. Many of the programs and opportunities made available to you through your schools are created, supported or funded by volunteers who cared about your education. These people realized that bolstering the educational mission of our schools benefits our community as a whole. Become one of them. Use the tools you were given to make your community, and your families, better. It’s that important.

We are proud of you all and we wish you great success in your lives.

Stan Mantooth
Ventura County Superintendent of Schools

To read inspiring profiles of notable Ventura County high school graduates from the class of 2018, visit