Moving Forward from November 8

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The following opinion piece by Ventura County Superintendent of School Stan Mantooth appeared in the Ventura County Star on Sunday, November 20.

Two days after the presidential election, nearly 1,000 high school students in Oxnard held peaceful demonstrations to express their fears and concerns. Like many students throughout our diverse county, they are feeling uncertainty about the future following a presidential campaign in which civility and compassion were in short supply. In exercising the great American tradition of freedom of expression, these students channeled their emotion into action, making their voices heard in a purposeful yet nonviolent way. In the aftermath of the election, they are witnessing another of our great traditions – the peaceful transition of power. Whichever candidate you supported, this process serves as a real-life lesson in the value of our democratic ideals and institutions.

This is not to say that large segments of the populations we serve have no cause for concern. Months of divisive campaign rhetoric have taken an emotional toll and many students – and their families – have very real fears about what lies ahead. Since the election, there have been disturbing reports from other states of hateful and racist incidents involving school-aged children. I remain confident that this ugliness will not take root in Ventura County and that our students will continue to show appreciation for each other’s differences.

While the future holds many unknowns, one thing that’s certain is that all of our students deserve an opportunity to learn in an environment that’s free of fear, bullying and discrimination. Ventura County educators recognize the strength of our diversity and are committed to seeing all students treated with respect, regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, faith, sexual orientation or gender identity. From classrooms to playgrounds to district offices, teachers, staff and administrators will uphold their commitment to valuing every student and maintaining a culture of inclusiveness and respect. We are fortunate to live in a state whose legal protections against discrimination are among the strongest in the nation.

Whatever messages kids pick up from politicians and the media, the fact remains that parents are their most important teachers. Parents should encourage their children to express their feelings about the election. Help them find constructive ways to get involved with causes that are important to them and encourage them to take breaks from social media and TV news.

Whether you are celebrating or lamenting the outcome of the presidential race, it’s important to note that the election was a very positive one for education in California. Voters approved all three education-related initiatives on the ballot. They said yes to an extension of a state income tax increase on the wealthiest Californians to provide vital funding for schools. A major bond measure passed that will pay for badly needed school construction and renovation. And, by a wide margin, voters chose to reinstate bilingual education in our schools.

Our nation’s public education system is one of the cornerstones of our democracy. It is the engine that creates the voters and leaders of tomorrow. This election can serve as an opportunity for students to learn how our democracy functions, how it can be better and how they can work in positive ways for the change they desire. It’s also a window into understanding how our different life experiences shape the way we see the world. My hope is that this unprecedented moment in our nation’s history will inspire a new generation of leaders who will help unify our country around the common goal of building the best life possible for all of our children.