Focus on Education - February 2025

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Focus on Education - Dr. César Morales, Ventura County Superintendent of Schools

Dr. César Morales, Ventura County Superintendent of Schools

February 2025

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Focus on Education provides news about Ventura County public schools for families and educators. It is published by the Ventura County Office of Education (VCOE).

Welcoming and Supporting All Students in Ventura County Schools

A Message from Dr. César Morales, Ventura County Superintendent of Schools

On March 11, the Ventura County Office of Education will present our 5th annual Equity Conference. Since we launched the event in 2021, its purpose has been to ensure that all students can use the power of education to build a foundation for a happy and successful life. Opening the door to that opportunity requires acknowledging that students come to our classrooms with a variety of challenges based on their family backgrounds and life experiences. In many cases, they need additional help and support to thrive in school and beyond.


These efforts are particularly significant in our current political climate, in which efforts to foster inclusive learning environments are under attack. Like many educational leaders throughout the state, I’m concerned that recent federal action could harm some of our most vulnerable populations. Students with disabilities, LGBTQ+ students, students from immigrant families, foster and homeless youth, and socioeconomically disadvantaged students are all particularly susceptible to the cuts and policy changes now coming from Washington, DC.


Our local immigrant families, in particular, are feeling frightened and are increasingly keeping their children home from school. Wherever you stand on the political spectrum, it’s important to remember that the right of students to access public education is protected by state and federal law regardless of their immigration status. At VCOE, we value the contributions of our immigrant families, and we have created a web page to inform them of their educational rights at


During this tumultuous time, I’m heartened that education leaders at the state and local levels remain firmly committed to providing safe and supportive learning environments where all students are valued and welcome. Ventura County’s educators will continue doing what we do best – focusing on meeting the needs of students with professionalism, compassion and respect for the qualities that make us unique.

Register for the VCOE Equity Conference

Educators, families, and members of the community are invited to register today for the 5th annual Ventura County Office of Education Equity Conference in Camarillo on Tuesday, March 11, 2025. 


This free event will feature a variety of speakers and workshops in English and Spanish on increasing opportunities and removing obstacles for all students. Food, drinks, and language interpretation will be provided. 

Click Here to Register

Education Report to the Community

The Ventura County Office of Education is excited to announce the release of the 2024-25 VCOE Education Report to the Community. This 20-page magazine highlights the many ways VCOE schools and programs support students and educators in Ventura County. We invite you to explore the digital version or request printed copies by emailing

Read the Education Report

2025 Academic Decathlon Winners

The Ventura County Office of Education is pleased to announce the winners of the 2025 Ventura County Academic Decathlon, which was held in January and February. The three teams with the highest overall scores this year are:


  • 1st Place: Westlake High School
  • 2nd Place: Channel Islands High School
  • 3rd Place: Thousand Oaks High School


This is the fifth consecutive year that Westlake High School has placed first overall. As the county’s top-ranked team, Westlake will now advance to the state Academic Decathlon. Channel Islands was also invited to participate in the state competition as an “at-large” team based on their scores.


Complete individual and team results in all of the various categories are available at this link.

New Podcast Episode: Career Education

On the newest episode of the VCOE Focus on Education Podcast, Dr. César Morales, Ventura County Superintendent of Schools, sits down with Anthony Marenco, the Director of Career Education at VCOE. They have an in-depth discussion about the Career Education Center’s wide variety of programs for high school students and adults.


Other recent podcast episodes have focused on school libraries and early childhood education. Catch them all on YouTube, Spotify, Apple, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Watch or Listen to the Podcast

Tech Whiz Kids Shine at Hackathon

Dozens of Ventura County high school students burnt the midnight oil as they competed in the annual Hackathon by the Sea at the Ventura County Office of Education last month. Participants spent an entire night creating apps and websites with the assistance of volunteer mentors. The Hackathon encourages students to use technology in creative ways to solve problems and engage users.


At the end of the event, students presented their creations to judges, who awarded prizes. The overall winner was the team from Westlake High School, which created an AI-powered 3-D modeling system that helps farmers maximize crop yields and resource usage. Another notable project was a wildfire safety app that crowdsources assistance in clearing flammable brush and providing shelter to evacuees during fires.


You can see a video collage of the event here and the full list of winners and their projects here.

Volunteer for Student Competitions

Ventura County’s popular academic competitions are seeking volunteers to help make these events possible for local students. The Science Fair, Battle of the Books, Batalla de los Libros, and Migrant Speech and Debate Tournament will be taking place over the next few months.


About 300 volunteer judges and moderators are needed to support more than 1,200 students who participate. No special expertise is required, and training will be provided. If you'd like to volunteer, please click on the buttons below for additional information.

Migrant Speech and Debate Tournament
Science Fair
Battle of the Books
Batalla de los Libros

Battle of the Books Registration Ends Soon

Registration closes this Friday, February 28, for the 2025 Battle of the Books and the new Spanish version, Batalla de los Libros. Both celebrate the wonderful world of reading with teams of students competing in a friendly, fast-paced trivia tournament.


This fun educational opportunity is open to students at all Ventura County schools. Schools that would like to participate should have their team advisors register using the links below.

Battle of the Books - Grades 3 to 5
Battle of the Books - Grades 6 to 8
Batalla de los Libros - Grados 4 a 6 

FAFSA Deadline Extended Due to Fires

Due to the recent wildfires, students in Ventura and Los Angeles Counties will have additional time to complete their applications for college financial aid. The California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) announced the postponement of the deadline to apply for financial aid via the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the California Dream Act Application (CADAA) for students in the two counties. The original deadline of March 3, 2025, has been changed to April 2, 2025.

Connecting High School Counselors with Community College Programs

The VCOE Career Education Department is helping high school counselors learn about the career-related programs at our local community colleges. During 805 Industry Days, high school counselors tour the facilities at community college campuses so they're better equipped to advise their students. 805 Industry Days were recently held at Oxnard and Ventura Colleges, and the next one will take place at Moorpark College later this month.

Dr. Morales Honored for Mentorship

Dr. César Morales, Ventura County Superintendent of Schools, was recently honored for his efforts to pave the way to advancement for those who have dedicated their lives to public education. He was recognized for his work at the aPODERar Symposium of the California Association of Latino Superintendents & Administrators (CALSA).


CALSA’s Women’s Leadership Network presented Dr. Morales with their M.A.S. Award, which stands for Mentorship, Advocacy, and Sponsorship. He intends to continue championing equity and empowerment in education, mentoring emerging leaders, and creating opportunities for professional growth now and in the years to come.

NEH Summer Professional Development

K-12 teachers and higher education faculty can now apply to attend professional development programs funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.


Selected educators will delve into a variety of humanities topics through residential, virtual, and combined format programs. Click here to discover which topics are available and apply before March 5.

Student Scholarship Opportunity

Applications are now being accepted for the 2025 scholarship program of the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). Nine $4,000 scholarships will be awarded to high school or community college students from the SCAG region, which includes Ventura County.


Students who are interested in community planning, regional planning, urban planning, civil engineering, political science, public administration, sustainable development, or other related fields are highly encouraged to apply by March 21. More information and the application are available here.

Upcoming Events and Workshops

People attending a seminar

The Ventura County Office of Education and its partners present a wide variety of workshops and events for educators, students, and community members. Some upcoming offerings are below, and you can browse our full calendar of events at


Spring Transition Fair

Preparing students with disabilities for life after high school.

March 1, 2025



Carpe Diem Conference

Workshops for supporting youth with emotional challenges.

March 6, 2025



VCOE Equity Conference

Breaking down barriers and expanding educational opportunities. For educators, parents and members of the community.

March 11, 2025



Maximizing Educator Marketability

Explore strategies and resources for enhancing your career prospects.

March 18, 2025



Ventura County Science

Professional Learning Network

Implementing California's Next Generation Science Strategies.

March 21, 2025



Empower Your Child's Future

To help parents prepare students for college. Interpretation services will be provided in Spanish & Mixteco.

March 27, 2025



Maximizing Educator Marketability

Explore strategies and resources for enhancing your career prospects.

March 18, 2025



CCGI Training for K-12 Counselors

K-12 counselors will learn to help students with a seamless transition from high school to college.

April 25, 2025

See the Full Calendar of Events
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