Ventura County Schools are making improvements in attendance, graduation rates, academic performance, and other measures according to new data from the 2024 California School Dashboard released today by the California Department of Education. Highlights for Ventura County include:
- GRADUATION RATE: Ventura County’s graduation rate of 89.3% for 2024 has improved by six percentage points since 2021 and is nearly three percentage points better than the statewide rate.
- CHRONIC ABSENTEEISM: Ventura County’s chronic absenteeism rate of 18.3% for 2024 marks the third consecutive year of improvement and is more than two percentage points better than the statewide rate.
- SUSPENSION RATE: Ventura County’s suspension rate of 3.2% for 2024 is a 0.4% improvement from the prior year and slighter better than the statewide rate.
- MATHEMATICS: Ventura County students’ performance in mathematics on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) for 2024 improved by 1.2 percentage points over the prior year.
- ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS: Ventura County students’ performance in English language arts on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress for 2024 improved by 0.63 percentage points over the prior year.
“We’re thrilled to see that more Ventura County students are consistently attending school every day and that our graduation rate is higher than it’s been in recent memory,” said Dr. César Morales, Ventura County Superintendent of Schools. “Students are more engaged in class with fewer behavior issues, and their rising test scores reflect their progress.”
The Ventura County Office of Education and local school districts have been working to provide additional supports to address students’ academic and emotional needs. This includes increased opportunities for after-school learning, the continuing rollout of transitional kindergarten, the introduction of Community Schools, and the expansion of school Wellness Centers that enhance student wellbeing.
The California School Dashboard allows families, educators, and community members to see various measures of student performance for individual schools and school districts. A guide to help parents understand the Dashboard is available here. Countywide school data can be found on the California Department of Education’s DataQuest portal.
Additional details about the highlighted improvements for Ventura County are available in the following charts.