Friday Night Live is a youth development and substance abuse prevention program that works to empower young people by allowing them to have a voice in combating issues that are important to them and their respective communities.
FNL takes the form of a club (referred to as a chapter) on a school campus or at a community-based organization and consists of four programs:
- Friday Night Live (FNL) - For high school-age youth
- Club Live (CL) - For middle school-age youth
- Friday Night Live Kids (FNL Kids) - For upper elementary school-age youth
- Friday Night Live Mentoring (FNLM) - High school mentors and middle school protégés (see below)
Operating under a youth development framework, FNL allows for the development of caring relationships, high expectations, and meaningful participation. The program also provides support and opportunities for young people to develop meaningful skills while addressing alcohol, tobacco, and other drug and violence issues within the school and community.
Register today for the Youth Leadership Conference!

Friday Night Live Mentor Program
Friday Night Live Mentoring (FNLM) is a program that pairs high school mentors with middle school protégés. The protégés that are selected for the program have been identified by school site personnel as having potential to benefit from a mentoring relationship with an older student. The volunteer 11th and 12th grade mentors from the high school contribute a multitude of personal experiences when working with their respective protégés. All activities are overseen by an adult advisor at the school site.
The Ventura County Friday Night Live Partnership (FNLP) is housed at the Ventura County Office of Education (VCOE) and coordinates the FNL chapters in Ventura County, including the countywide Youth Advisory Council (YAC) and FNL Alumni Group. The VCFNLP also acts as conduit between the individual chapters and the statewide California FNLP.
Friday Night Live and Friday Night Live Mentoring is supported by Ventura County Behavioral Health, Alcohol and Drug Programs.
To reach the California FNL/CL website, visit www.fridaynightlive.org