On behalf of VCOE and the faculty and staff at Ventura High School, I would like to welcome you to the 2019-2020 school year. We are pleased that you have taken the time to visit our website. My name is Aran Burke and I serve as the Special Education Principal for West County VCOE Special Education Programs at Ventura High School, Balboa Middle School, Dorothy Boswell School, and Ojai TEAMS. I am extremely proud and thankful to be working with such an exceptional group of students, families, and staff members.
The Ventura County Office of Education operates three special education classrooms for students with multiple disabilities in grades 9-12 at Ventura High School. Instruction is designed to meet individual needs of each student throughout the school day. Teachers use evidenced-based instructional curriculum, strategies, and technology to teach functional skills aligned to the California State Standards. Students have opportunities to participate in campus classes and activities with general education peers throughout the school year. As a learning community, we believe that collaboration between students, parents, teachers, specialists, and administration leads to positive student outcomes.
We thank you for visiting our website and hopefully you have gained additional insight about our special education programs at Ventura High School. My door is always open and I welcome your comments, suggestions, and ideas. Additionally, individualized tours are available throughout the school year. Please contact the VCOE West County Office at (805) 289-3388 for more information.
Aran Burke
Boswell School, Ojai TEAMS, Ventura High School, & Balboa Middle School