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Welcome to our dedicated page on AI in Education, spotlighting the conscientious use of AI and the seamless incorporation of Media Literacy into every discipline. Here, you'll find carefully selected resources and toolkits alongside a primer on our specialized training offerings. These materials are designed to prepare both educators and students to adeptly navigate the evolving educational and technological landscapes. Join us in embracing the transformative potential of AI, while ensuring the ethical and informed engagement with technology in learning environments.
What is Artificial Intelligence

How Chatbots and Large Language Models Work

Artificial Intelligence Defined

AI is an umbrella term that encompasses Machine Learning and Deep LearningArtificial Intelligence is the umbrella term that encompasses all technologies that mimic human behavior. View this graphic for a visual of AI. (Click the image to enlarge)


Tim Enalls describes 10 stages of Artificial Intelligence. Here is an infographic that shows the first 6 stages. We are currently at stage 5, and some experts predict we will reach stage 6 by 2026. (Click the image to enlarge)

The Changing Job Market

For 2024 high school graduates, the job market is swiftly adapting to the integration of AI, emphasizing skills in technology management and AI literacy. In contrast, kindergartners graduating in 2036 will enter a landscape where AI is deeply embedded in all careers, necessitating not only technical skills but also advanced adaptability and creative problem-solving in an AI-driven world. We are teaching our students for jobs that do not yet exist!


Resources and Toolkits

The following links are to resources and toolkits that will help in formulating policy and guidelines for districts. If you have any questions regarding the information, reach out to

Teaching AI

Can we use AI with students?

  • We are unable to use most AI tools in the classroom with student logins as most tools will not sign the CA Student Data Privacy Agreement. Per Ed Code, we must have that in place to use student logins with Ed Tech tools including AI tools. 

How can we teach responsible use of AI?

  • Students must understand AI in order to develop AI Literacy (The skills needed to understand, use, and evaluate how and when it’s appropriate to use AI)
  • We must provide experiences to students: show them bias, hallucinations, misinformation, etc.
  • We must provide guidance on evaluating AI, choosing the right tool and/or the right situation when using AI, etc.

Help them understand how AI works

Teach about the drawbacks of AI:

AI Powered Scams

Perhaps the most important information we can help our students understand is the way AI is now being used in scams and phishing. Here are just a few ways scammers are using AI:

  • Write more convincing and natural-sounding pishing emails and text messages.
  • Create deepfakes of celebrities to trick victims into thinking they're investing in a good company or project.
  • Impersonate the victim's friend or relative and ask for money as part of a grandparent scam.
  • Impersonate an employer and ask for personal information.
The potential to create an image, video or voice of someone else could make existing scams even more believable, and opens up new opportunities for scammers.