Sponsor Web Banner

Ventura County students have a long proud tradition of excellence in local, state and national Academic Competitions. This is only possible through the strong commitment and partnership of our local businesses and organizations.

On average, Ventura County businesses and organizations provide more than $100,000 in donations and 600+ volunteer judges in support of more than 2,500 students that annually participate in the Ventura County Academic Decathlon, Mock Trial, Battle of the Books and Science Fair competitions.

In addition, sponsors provide approximately $15,000 in grants to educators through the Impact on Education program. Your tax free donation covers the cost of food, facility rentals, printing, promotion and awards for the students and grants for educators. Thank you for taking the time to consider sponsorship of these amazing Ventura County traditions.

Sponsorship Opportunities

As a Local Education Agency (LEA) your donation qualifies as a tax write off.

Please complete the Sponsorship Opportunities form or Register as a Sponsor HERE.

Supporter                                     $100
Acknowledgement as a supporter on the event website, in promotional materials and listed as a supporter in the Awards Ceremony Program.

Associate Sponsor                       $500
Acknowledgement as an Associate Sponsor on the event website, in promotional materials and listed as an Associate Sponsor in the Awards Ceremony Program.

Bronze Sponsor                           $1,000

Acknowledgement as a Bronze Sponsor on the event website, in promotional materials, a verbal acknowledgement at the Awards Ceremony and listed as a Bronze Sponsor in the Awards Ceremony Program.


Silver Sponsor                            $2,500

Acknowledgement as a Silver Sponsor on the event website, in promotional materials, a verbal acknowledgement at the Awards Ceremony and an eighth-page ad in the Awards Ceremony Program.


Gold Sponsor                             $5,000

Category or individual event named after your organization. Acknowledgement as a Gold Sponsor on the event website, in all promotional materials, a verbal acknowledgement at the Awards Ceremony and a quarter-page ad in the Awards Ceremony Program.


Platinum Sponsor                       $7,500:

Category or individual event named after your organization. Prominent acknowledgement as a Platinum Sponsor on the event website, in all promotional materials, acknowledgement as a Platinum Sponsor by the County Superintendent at the Awards Ceremony and a half-page ad in the Awards Ceremony Program.


Title Sponsor                             $20,000:

Event named after your organization for the sponsorship year. Prominent acknowledgement as the Title Sponsor in all promotional materials, acknowledgement as the Title Sponsor by the County Superintendent at Awards Ceremony and a full-page ad in the Awards Ceremony Program.