Mike Winters, Director of Student Services

Mike Winters joined the VCOE team in 2023 as Director of Student Services. Mr. Winters has served the students and families of Ventura County in public education for over three decades. Prior to joining VCOE, his years of experience in education included serving as a bilingual paraprofessional, bilingual teacher, assistant principal and principal at both the elementary and middle school levels, and Assistant Director of Instructional Services. He currently sits as the chairperson of the Ventura County Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) and was appointed by the California Department of Education to serve as a member of the California State SARB.

Mr. Winters is excited to utilize his knowledge, leadership, and expertise to best support our VCOE and VC SELPA family and local educational agencies directly aligned to serving our at-possibility foster youth, English learners, homeless, low-Income, and migrant student groups.

Name Title Phone Email
Department Contacts

Mike Winters Director, Student Services 805-437-1531 MWinters@vcoe.org
Jessie Juarez Student Services Coordinator 805-437-1528 JJuarez@vcoe.org
Cynthia Salas Community Schools Coordinator 805-383-9359 CSalas@vcoe.org
Foster Youth Services

Laura Welbourn Foster Youth Services Coordinator 805-437-1525 LWelbourn@vcoe.org
Cristina  Acosta Foster Youth Services Coordinator 805-437-1527 CAcosta@vcoe.org
Lydia Barajas Data Control Specialist 805-437-1529 LBarajas@vcoe.org
Foster Youth Services/Homeless Youth Services

Cindy Mendoza Instructional Trainer Specialist 805-437-1554 CMendoza@vcoe.org
Homeless Education Program

Cathi Nye Homeless Program Coordinator 805-437-1559 CNye@vcoe.org
Migrant Education

Maria Ponce-Montañez Migrant Education Coordinator 805-383-9358 MPonceMontanez@vcoe.org
Migrant Education Identification & Recruitment

Maria Ambriz Migrant Specialist, Supervisor 805-383-9356 MAmbriz@vcoe.org
Marilu Isais Migrant Recruitment Specialist 805-437-1524 MIsais@vcoe.org
Dolores Mata Migrant Recruitment Specialist 805-383-9351 DMataGonzalez@vcoe.org
Citlalli Reynoso Migrant Recruitment Specialist 805-437-1526 CReynoso@vcoe.org
Migrant Education Support Staff

Olga Villalobos Administrative Assistant II 805-437-1522 OVillalobos@vcoe.org