Graduation Requirements

Ventura County Office of Education

To obtain a diploma of graduation from the Ventura County Office of Education, students must complete the course of study, credit requirements, and standards of proficiency as established in BP 6146.1 - High School Graduation Requirements.

The minimum number of credits required for graduation is 220 from the following subject areas:

English Language Arts

40 Credits

Mathematics – to include one course in Algebra 1

30 Credits

Science – to include one course in the Life Sciences and one in the Physical Sciences

20 Credits

Social Science – to include one course in World History; one course in

U.S. History; one term of American Government; and one term of Economics

30 Credits

Visual & Performing Arts; or Foreign Language; or American Sign Language; or
(beginning with the Class of 2013) Career Technical Education

10 Credits

Physical Education – unless exempted pursuant to CA EC §51241

20 Credits

Health Education

5 Credits

Career Technical Education

5 Credits

Electives in addition to the requirements listed herein

60 Credits

Credit Requirements - The minimum number of credits required for High School Graduation is



Please refer to our Annual Notifications using this link for further information about graduation requirements VCOE Annual Notifications 2024.2025.

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