Phone: 805-437-1460 • Fax: 805-437-1493
200 Horizon Cir • Camarillo, CA 93010
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For RETURNING students only - Re-Enrollment
For more information about Odyssey, see our brochure using this link.
VCOE utilizes Parent Square for communication with parents and guardians. This platform allows for direct messaging with school staff and facilitates the sharing of information regarding events at the school site. For further details, please refer to the link below.
Odyssey is a diverse and inclusive learning community that fosters authentic relationships and a sense of belonging among students and their support providers. This strengths-based and student-centered program provides opportunities for developing independence and the skills that lead to personal success.
Odyssey is a highly specialized, research-based school environment designed to support students with behavioral and social emotional needs who have not found success at other schools. Using a comprehensive trans-disciplinary planning and service delivery approach, evidenced based curriculum, and technology, the program specifically addresses the individual needs of high school students, grades 9th - 12th who need a smaller, structured, individualized setting. Odyssey offers a multi-faceted social/emotional and behavioral response system that works to assist students to develop their strengths and pro-social skills on their journey to self-discovery. Students are referred to the program by their district of residence via the IEP process.
Odyssey has a varied and structured career/vocational program which provides opportunities for students to participate in meaningful activities at school in which they can experience immediate success. There are various vocational “pathways” for students which provide career exploration and experiences in a variety of fields. Older students who successfully complete the coursework portion of each pathway have the opportunity for job shadows or internships in the field. Courses are offered in an applied context, with rigor and opportunities for hands-on, project-based learning. Students receive credit for attendance and active participation in their individualized program with opportunities available for credit recovery and online courses in advanced placement.
Odyssey embeds mental health support in a variety of contexts through the development of authentic relationships. Classroom instruction is aligned to the California Standards and 21st Century skills. Each classroom benefits from smaller class sizes, increase in staff to student ratio, and structured educational expectations. As a learning community, we believe that professional expertise, supported by collaboration between parents, students, teachers, specialists, paraprofessionals, and administration leads to a safe learning environment and positive student outcomes. It is the goal of all staff to help the students learn the skills needed to be able to return to a less restrictive setting, receive a diploma, and provide guidance towards college, career and community access.