Educational Audiology Services for Students with Hearing Loss
VCOE educational audiologists participate on collaborative teams of school and community professionals to support students who are hard of hearing or deaf. These services include:
  • Evaluation of listening abilities in realistic classroom environments
  • Interpretation of hearing test results and history of hearing loss
  • Functional analysis and electronic verification of hearing aids or cochlear implants
  • Consultation with, and linking of families to, community audiologists, physicians, agencies, and organizations
  • Determination of accommodations to facilitate auditory access in school
  • Participation in the special education student’s Individualized Education Program
  • Orientation and training for school teachers, nurses, speech/language pathologists, psychologists and other school personnel regarding hearing loss and hearing devices, teaching strategies for students with hearing loss, checking the function of hearing devices, and optimizing the educational environment to facilitate listening success
  • Provision and monitoring of Hearing Assistive Technology (HAT) to enhance the hard-of-hearing student’s ability to hear in challenging educational environments
Hearing Assistive Technology (HAT)

Hearing Assistive Technology (HAT) is an important tool in helping students with hearing loss gain better sound access in school.  It can be extremely difficult for a student with hearing loss to hear and understand in educational settings, particularly when the teacher is at a distance from the student, when there is a lot of echo in the room, and when trying to listen in the midst of background noise from inside and outside the classroom.  HAT can help students hear better in school.

To learn more about HAT services and documenting HAT on an IEP, please click on the appropriate links below.

Accessing Educational Audiology Services

School personnel can initiate educational audiology services by completing and returning to us the Referral/Authorization form.

Referral/Authorization for Hearing Services form

Flow Charts for Accessing VCOE Hearing Services

Contact Hearing Conservation:


Phone:     (805) 437-1380

Fax:         (805) 389-4297