Floor Plan & Seating Capacity

The Conference and Educational Services Center (CESC) at 5100 Adolfo Rd. in Camarillo features three large salons that can be joined to create even larger spaces as well as six additional meeting rooms and a computer lab. 

View Floor Plan

Seating Configuration Options

CESC Seating Capacity Chart
RoomSorted By Room In Ascending OrderConf. SquareRound TablesWorkshopClassroomTheater
Board Room------90--
Camarillo Room28--363680
CESC Computer Lab------18--
Conejo Room32--606090
Hueneme Room20--242440
Oxnard Room24--303060
Salon A, B, C (combined)144192216270468
Salon A, B, C (single salon)48647290156
Ventura Room24--303060
ASC Seating Capacity Chart

These rooms are located in the Administrative Services Center (ASC). The ASC is located at 5189 Verdugo Way in Camarillo and is adjacent to the Conference and Educational Services Center.

ASCConf. SquareClassroomWorkshopTheater
Moorpark Room2020  
Simi Room24243648