Central Coast Environmental Education Partnership Quarterly Convening
The Ventura County Office of Education hosts an online Regional Environmental Educators Convening quarterly. The Central Coast Environmental Education Partnership supports each other as an environmental education community and spreads awareness to advance environmental literacy in Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Kern Counties.
2022 Regional Environmental Education Quarterly Convenings Dates
9/12 from 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
12/5 from 9:00 - 11:00 AM
Regional EE Convening Registration Link
Resource Folder Link
Environmental Educator Sharing Link
Please complete this form if you have an upcoming environmental educational event, resource, or website that you would like to share.
Equity Statement
The Central Coast Environmental Education Partnership will provide a safe and welcoming space for all students and educators to experience the outdoors and environmental education opportunities. We believe that access to the outdoors is a human right and that minimizing barriers to the natural world provides benefits for all. We will inspire students to care for others and their local and global environment.
The Central Coast Environmental Education Partnership will ask a diversity of individuals and communities for their input on their interests, values, and challenges in regards to their relationship to nature, access to environmental education, and outdoor experiences. The aim of this sharing and collaboration is to better serve and represent our students and community. When students express themselves freely in outdoor spaces, it fosters a greater sense of connection to nature and each other. Educators play a critical role in promoting these types of environmental education experiences by being agents of change. We will make an intentional effort to raise all voices to strengthen our partnership with each other and our districts, schools, educators, and students.