Teachers who obtain an Arizona teaching license can obtain a California Preliminary teaching credentialA Preliminary is the initial level of a California licensure. Teachers must meet additional requirements to earn the final credential called a Clear teaching credential.  Let us help you navigate the California credentialing process. 

Services include:

  • Academic Counseling
  • Transcript Evaluation
  • Assistance with CTC credential applications
  • Out-of-State Credential advisement 



Join us for an upcoming information session, we still have space available! Contact Sandra Taylor (GCE) @ Sandra.Taylor@gce.com


Credential Support

Registration Fee: $185

The registration fee will provide you with:

  • Customized credential advisement for transferring out-of-state teacher credential to California and assistance with submitting documentation to CTC.


ESE currently offers California Teacher of English Learners (CTEL) test preparation.

Test preparation instructors are credentialed teachers with classroom experience in the content area being taught. Tutorials include test-taking strategies and other information to effectively prepare you for the test. Curriculum is based on the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing's content specifications and on key subject matter knowledge.

CTEL Tutorials

Registration Fee: $300

The registration fee will provide you with:

  • Up to 3 hours of tutoring customized to your individual needs. You can request help with all subtests, or focus on an individual subtest.
  • CTEL I: Language and Language Development
  • CTEL II: Assessment and Instruction
  • CTEL III: Culture and Inclusion
  • Credential advisement for transferring out-of-state teacher credential to California and assistance with submitting documentation to CTC.


NOTE: VCOE does not administer the exams. Visit the CTC Exams website for exam registration information.

Ventura County Office of Education and Educator Support and Effectiveness do not guarantee exam outcomes based on the suggested resources. Suggested resources are intended for personal use, and users accept full responsibility for how they are used.

Have a question?

Academic Advise

We are here to help!

Call 805-437-1320 or email academicadvise@vcoe.org

If you have specific credentialing questions that our website or our staff could not help with, please schedule a phone advisement with one of our Credential Program Advisors, click here: Calendly