A CTC-accredited full-year program for Career Technical Education (CTE) and Adult Education (AE)

Designated Subjects credentialed teachers support students in technical, trade, or vocational classes or in classes organized primarily for adults such as Adult Education, Regional Occupation Programs (ROP), and Career Technical Education classes.



Registration for the 25-26 DSC Full Year Program will open Spring 2025

Go to drive.google.com (view subpage)



If you would like to receive a notification when enrollment for
Fall 2025 DSC- Full Year Clear Credential Program is open, 
please click the link or scan this QR code.




Have a question?

Academic Advise

We are here to help!

Call 805-437-1320 or email academicadvise@vcoe.org

If you have specific credentialing questions that our website, or the DSC department could not help with, please schedule a phone advisement with on of our Credential Analysts here: Calendly