The Instructional Support Services Department provides TK-12 leadership, training, and site support in English Language Development with a focus on integrated and designated ELD. Because one in five Ventura County students is an English learner, special emphasis is placed upon the supporting access and participation in content areas. Curriculum and Instruction staff offer customzed district and school professional learning, demonstrations, and coaching on the following topics:
- Differentiated Instruction Scaffolding Strategies
- SDAIE across Content Integrated ELD across content areas
- Implementation of Adopted and Standards-Aligned Materials
- Designated ELD
- Assessment, analysis of student work
- Academic Discourse
In addition, our staff provides support for the following school and district programs:
- Family partnerships
- Culturally Sustaining Practices
- Asset-based Pedagogy
- Dual Language
- World Languages Standards & Framework
- Integrated and Designated ELD
- Newcomer Instructional Support
- English Learner Proficiency Assessments of California (ELPAC)
- Intentional Lesson Design
- Brain-embedded approaches
- Coaching
- Observational tools
- Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
- Communities of Practice (CoPs)
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL)