The Ventura County Office of Education is offering online modules to meet the minimum of 45 hours of preparation required for a current or prospective substitute teacher to obtain an initial and first renewal of the Teaching Permit for Statutory Leave (TPSL). The modules are self-paced; however, be advised that per the CTC guidelines, a minimum of 45 hours of preparation is required.
*You may email at any point during the course, to get an update on the number of hours you've already spent in the course.
The TPSL allows an employing agency to fill a position where the teacher of record is unable to teach due to a statutory leave with a temporary teacher of record for the duration of the leave. The TPSL requires 45 hours of preparation for each of the first three issuances of the permit. Each issuance is valid for one year, and permits a TPSL holder to remain in a classroom for one calendar year.
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