Adult Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
HOW TO FILL YOUR OWN CUP – Stop, Breathe and Think
Self-Care Strategies for Educators During the Coronavirus Crisis - Supporting Personal Social and Emotional Well - WestEd
Self-care for school staff - Headspace
Taking Care of Yourself in Difficult Times - American Federation of Teachers
Controlled Breathing Practices for Adults - Dr. Lucy Vezzuto
How to breathe - Belisa Vranich
Wim Hoff Breathing Tutorial
Diaphragmatic Breathing
UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center
Goodful - 10 Minute Guided Meditation for Beginners
4 Minute Body Scan Meditation - Meditation
What science says about the best way to eat (and what we're still figuring out)
How the food you eat affects your brain