The California Department of Education's (CDE) goal through the tobacco-free school district certification process is to protect our children's
health by encouraging all school districts and county offices of education (COEs) in California to adopt a model a 100 percent tobacco-free policy. CDE staff works closely with the California Department of Public Health’s California Tobacco Control Program to promote smoke-free environments and tobacco-free lifestyles throughout the state, particularly among California youth.
Assembly Bill X2-9 requires all California public schools to prohibit the use of tobacco and nicotine products at any time on county office of education (COE), charter school, or school district-owned or leased property including vehicles. The bill further requires all school districts, charter schools and COEs to prominently display signs at all entrances to the school property stating “Tobacco Use is Prohibited.” In addition, AB X2-9 amended HSC Section 104420(n)(2) requiring all school districts, charter schools, and COEs that receive Tobacco-Use Prevention Education (TUPE) grant funding amend their current Tobacco-Free School Policies to prohibit the use of e-cigarettes to comply with HSC tobacco-free certification requirements. Once a district has been certified, they are eligible for the following:
1. TUPE Tier 1 grants provide $4,500 ($1,500 per year for 3 years) of funding to support:
• Tobacco-free school policies
• CHKS and CSCS administration, reports and analysis
• Student and school climate data for LCAP support, development, revision
• Grant is renewable every 3 years
2. TUPE Tier 2 grants provide $53 per ADA for three years to support the above AND:
• Research-validated prevention curricula implementation
• Youth development activities (such as Friday Night Live and FNL Mentoring, etc.)
• Support staff time
• Reapply every 3 years
• Partnerships and collaboration with local TUPE districts and VCOE to support prevention efforts, school climate, etc.
For more information about how your district can become tobacco-free certified, please contact our office at (805) 437-1370.