Unity in Diversity:
A Winter Visual & Performing Arts Showcase
The Visual & Performing Arts Showcase provides students of all grade levels an opportunity to display creative work from the classroom, as well as performance art, in a public place that honors their work as an effective path to learning and knowledge for all. Ar t is a process that engenders creativity, emotional development, problem-solving skills, thinking skills, and pride in every child.
The 2024 Visual & Performing Arts Showcase will be held at the Ventura County Office of Education Conference and Educational Services Center (CESC) and will feature the works of Ventura County students. If you would like to participate, please contact Jennifer Gorin at jgorin@vcoe.org for more information.
Event Details
On behalf of the Ventura County Office of Education, we'd like to thank everyone for their time, support, and meaningful contributions. As a community, we were able to showcase nearly 100 pieces of artwork, representing over 15 different schools from Ventura County. Below are photos of the artwork featured during the event.