Ventura County SELPA
October 29, 2019
For more information:
Dave Schermer, Director of Communications
What’s Next After High School for Students in Special Education?
Resources Available at the 2019-20 “Transition Fair” in Camarillo
Next Steps: Education and Employment
Help your young adults with disabilities (ages 15-22 years old) prepare for the quality adult life they envision. Students, parents, teachers, and care providers are invited to join us at the Fall Transition Fair. Meet local agency representatives and attend breakout sessions to assist with making lifelong decisions, managing resources, self-advocacy, benefits planning, the college application process and resume building.
Attend this free event to meet with the representatives from more than thirty different adult service agencies in Ventura County. (No registration required.)
WHAT: 2019-2020 Ventura County Fall Transition Fair Open House to visit agency tables and the following breakout sessions with a focus on the next steps in education and employment:
- 6:00pm Breakout Session- Agency Panel- Local agency representatives share how they support self-determination, travel training, social skills, career/college development and benefits planning for individuals
- 7:00pm Breakout Session- Educator Panel- Local educators share their programs and services that support self-advocacy, accommodations, college/career interests and development to prepare transition age youth for successful transition to adult life
- 6:00ppm and 7:00pm Breakout Sessions- Transition Talk- The IEP Process * recommended for parents attending the fair for the first time
- 6:00pm and 7:00pm Breakout Sessions- Student Transition Activities
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: High School and Post-Secondary Students who will earn a diploma or who will/ have earned a certificate of completion, Parents/Guardians, Care-Providers, Teachers, and Professionals
WHEN: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 • Agency Open House from 5:30pm to 8:00pm • Breakout Sessions 6:00pm and 7:00pm.
WHERE: Ventura County Office of Education Conference and Educational Services Center • 5100 Adolfo Road, Camarillo, CA 93012
Meet representatives from the following agencies:
· Department of Rehabilitation
· Tri-Counties Regional Center
· Colleges
· Ventura County Behavioral Health
· Public Health
· Actors for Autism
· Taft College
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