Universal PreKindergarten (UPK) is an umbrella term that includes the California State Preschool Program (CSPP), TK at the California Department of Education, as well as Head Start, district and local community-based preschool programs, early learning services for students with disabilities, private pay preschool, and expanded learning options to support access to a full day of services.
California’s goal is to serve more children ages 3-years-old to 4-years-old, statewide, in high-quality preschool programs. California intends to meet this goal through the implementation of universally available TK, as well as investments in other state-funded programs, such as funding to expand the CSPP and other state-subsidized programs that offer a preschool learning experience.
LEAs presented UPK Planning & Implementation (UPK P&I) plans to their governing bodies by June 30, 2022. The County Office of Education is charged with supporting LEAs in this implementation, and has also created a countywide plan to guide these efforts.